Monday, 1 December 2014

What Does Your Pet Goldfish Need?

Goldfish are very popular pets and most people think of goldfish when they think of pet fish. Like all other pets goldfish have their own special requirements depending on their species that must be taken into consideration ensure a healthy life and greater lifespan.

Tank size

The size of the tank and the volume of water it holds needs to be determined by the number and type of goldfish you wish to keep together. You also need to consider the size of adult fish because if they grow larger than your expectations you may have to get a bigger tank. Depending on the size of the species it is recommended to add round 30 gallons for larger ones and almost 20 gallons for smaller ones.


Goldfish are notorious for being really messy so it is up to you to ensure clean water at all times. There are multi-purpose filters available along with other fish supplies at US pet stores or online websites like These filters trap large debris, catch smaller particles and have have activated carbon for adsorbing dissolved impurities. There are also biological filters that do a great job of promoting good bacteria and eliminating harmful bacteria from the aquarium.


Goldfish need plenty of oxygen along with clean water to stay fit and active. They may come close to the water surface to ingest a floating food particle and gulp in oxygen but this may make them more buoyant than they should be. It is best to have a high level of dissolved oxygen by using bubble wands or porous rocks.

Gravel and decoration

Goldfish are curious eaters and may accidentally ingest smaller gravel so be sure to layer their aquarium bed with large gravel. They also tend to eat live plants so it is a better idea to have fake plants only. Also no sharp objects should be placed within or any cave like openings where they may get stuck.   

Temperature and pH

Goldfish enjoy cold temperatures and are sensitive to abrupt and severe temperature changes so only 2-3 degrees should be changed every day if required. They are content with neutral pH but also thrive in slightly alkaline pH as well.

Living with other fish species

They are not suited to living with tropical fish for a number of reasons like movement, food and other preferences. There is also no need to introduce bottom feeders like Plecostomus because goldfish do not leave any food leftovers and also due to the latter’s love for the goldfish’s slime coating which can kill the goldfish if attacked badly.

Food types

It is a good idea to keep a variety of foods in your goldfish’s diet like live food, pellets, flakes, freeze dried food and fresh or frozen leafy and green vegetables. A high protein may be required if they are being bred or a high fiber diet for the older ones. It is important to monitor the density of the food you put in the tank to ensure that it is not floating which may cause buoyancy issues as mentioned before.  

Health care

The most common threat to a goldfish’s health is Ich which is a tiny parasite that attaches to the body, lives off its fluids and reproduces in huge numbers. You can easily get rid of them by quality medication or adding salt along with a drastic temperature increase. To prevent this infestation be mindful that the temperature of water being mixed together matches because Ich develop due to such temperatures. The swim bladder disease mostly occurs in goldfish who take in too much air to reach food at the water’s surface. The prevention is simple. Just try to increase food density by presoaking to ensure it sinks. 

What is the Nature and Behavior of a Pet Cockatiel?

Cockatiels are a kind of parrot and their name has been derived from the Dutch word that means little cockatoo. They are very popular pets among birds and rightly so. They have several unique characteristics that seem almost human. They are delicate creatures that must be carefully tended to in order to make them flourish.

Gentle nature

Cockatiels are very gentle by nature and almost never respond with any sort of aggression so they make ideal pets foreveryone. However, they have many needs that must be considered.

Prone to stress

They may easily get stressed by minute things which leads to degradation of their health so their stress levels must be carefully monitored.

Fearful behavior

They are easily spooked and may get ill from the stress that comes with fear s care must be taken to never place them in a scary situation.

Social attitude

They are highly social and get extremely lonely if let alone for long periods of time resorting to pulling out their feathers and refusing to eat.

Playful pets

As they are very social and affectionate they love to play around with their owners with a number of different enjoyable games and toys. There are quality bird toys now available even online with comparison shopping option on websites like 

Noise levels

Cockatiels are easily scared and stressed by loud noises so they must be kept in  a quiet corner of the house and people with noisy homes should not choose them as pets.


Cockatiels are funny and fascinating in their natural quirks and personalities and behavior providing constant entertainment for their owners.

Gender differences

Males tend to be more active than females and are not susceptible to problems related to egg laying which the females are prone too. The ability to talk is related to testosterone levels so males can be taught to talk while females rarely do.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

How to Prepare for a Pet Rabbit?

The idea of a sweet bunny rabbit hopping around your home sure is heartwarming but you need to understand that a rabbit is not a low maintenance pet and has important needs that must be met in order for it to thrive. Here are some things you should be aware of before adopting a rabbit and bringing it home.


A rabbit may seem like a small pet but is requires adequate space to live comfortably. Its home may be in the form of a puppy pen, large cage or specified area set aside for it. Several US pe stores provide quality rabbitsupplies for all breeds of rabbits. They can be purchased online through sites like which has a wide range of great rabbit supplies at affordable rates and even offer comparison shopping. They find it hard to adjust to new environment so it is up to the owner to make it feel at home.

Food preferences

Rabbits need plenty of fresh green leafy vegetables high in fiber content to keep their digestive system working correctly. They can also be fed pellets but will reject any stale ones. Any treats must not be high in carbohydrates or fats. Food needs to be adjusted according to age.

Chewing habits

Rabbits have long front teeth that grow pretty fast so they need to be given something to gnaw on at all times to keep their teeth in top shape. They may damage your precious furniture, documents and other belongings if this habit is neglected. Their elongated teeth can easily damage their gums if overgrown.

Medical care

Rabbits are social animals that need sufficient interaction with the humans around them to avoid stress and depression. They should not be left alone for long periods of time and care must be taken during travelling plans because they do not adjust well to travelling and easily get stressed. Also there are strict rules about taking rabbits from one place to another that you must be aware of.

Bunny proof home

It is necessary to remove any chewable items before you let your bunny out for exercise or play time. They are drawn towards all such materials and have to be given something else to chew on so that they leave your belongings alone.


Rabbits adopted from rescue organizations are already trained for the litter box but they may return to their instinctive habits when brought into a new home so it is important to train them patiently until they learn their lesson.

Rabbits make amazing pets and return the affection of their owners if treated well but they are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, make sure you will be able to fulfill all the needs of a pet rabbit before adopting one and bringing it home.

How to Play with Your Pet Ferret?

Ferrets are the most active and fun loving pets around so they may be difficult to handle for people who do not a very active lifestyle or are too busy to take out enough play time for their pets. Therefore, one should think carefully before bringing a ferret home because the pet is the responsibility of the owner. Ferrets which do not get sufficient play time become dejected frustrated and may even show signs of aggression. Here are some basic guidelines to help you define the boundaries of your fun times.

Eradicating biting behavior

Ferrets need to be taught the distinction between their fellow ferrets and human beings. Naturally, they are extremely social creatures and playfully nip at one another when engaged in a game. To teach your ferret that biting will not be tolerated, apply something bitter yet safe like bitter apple on your hands. This way the ferret will associate biting you with that bad taste and not attempt it again. If this does not solve the problem turn to the option of holding a ferret by the thick skin on the back of its neck and dragging it a short distance called scruffing. This is natural behavior that ferrets exhibit among their own kind so your ferret will not be traumatized by it. In case, your ferret still does not get the point, try giving it a timeout to stress the severity of the matter. Taking away a ferret’s playing privileges will surely get your point across because ferrets live for fun.

Good games

Chasing and playing tag like games are among the top favorites of ferrets. They are also keen to play hide and seek with their owners. Ferrets love to burrow inside soil and leaves in their natural habitat but because it is not possible in a domestic environment there are other options to keep them happy. You can provide tube like structures they would love to pass through. They also enjoy slides so keeping a safe slide would make it ecstatic. Ferrets love to jump and catch things like toy balls and chase them around so such toys would be a good idea. Tugging games can be great fun but care must be taken not to damage any of the ferret’s teeth or gums. There are a number of reliable online shopping US pet stores that sell ferret supplies including pet toys at reasonable prices. One such site is that provide the option of comparison shopping and offers a huge variety of ferret supplies for your beloved pet.

Striking your pet

This is a big no! You should never ever hit your ferret on any part of its body. Not only is it inhumane, ferrets have delicate bodies. You may easily damage a vital organ by applying too much pressure on one spot. This could also lead to the complete deterioration of your bond with your pet. Your ferret will fear you ad not wish to play with you anymore and become distrustful of you and humans in general. Even though ferrets love playing rough they might injure themselves easily so you must keep an eye on them.

Attention span

Ferrets are quick to move from one game to the next in a brief amount of time because they have a limited attention span from 20-30 minutes. It is a good idea to plan things beforehand and play along with your pet’s mood. It will be up for all kinds of game as long as you both enjoy yourselves. They are really fast metabolisms so they are wide awake in no time from naps and are eager to play all the time they spend awake. You need to comply with its needs and gently ease its playtime to suit your own timetable. They are fast learners and just need a bit of patience and understanding.

Ferrets are affectionate pets that give unconditional love to their owners and bond with them in no time at all. It is very rewarding to have them in their lives pet owners say. However, the needs of your pet come first so be sure you will be able to give them exactly what they need.